January’s Photography Mothly Challenge : HighKey/LowKey Challenge

send us your best high/low key image and try win you strobist kit!
send us your best high/low key image and try win you strobist kit!
silver umbrella 80cmsoftbox flash holder
33 inch Photo StudioUmbrella 80cmUmbrella Softbox Brolly Flash Umbrella Holder/Bracket

OK Folks,

We had two challenges over, adn now its time for a fresh one.

We decided this month topic to be HeyKey/LowKey images, so lets start the fun.

To post your images , all you need to do is to go down to the comments section below put some words about how you took the image (camera used, some general settings and if there is some story behind the secenes) and upload your image .Really that simple!!!

Some general stuff:

  1. Its nice if you uppload more than one image, but upload your best one first!
  2. How to post images to our monthly challenges in case you didn’t het it yet `-) .
  3. PLS share this page, we want to make this monthly competition bigger!
  4. TNX!!!

19 thoughts on “January’s Photography Mothly Challenge : HighKey/LowKey Challenge

  1. Camera – NIKON D90: Lens – 50.0 mm f/1.8: 0.4 sec at f/8 on Manual.
    Main flash reflected in umbrella with slave flash behind subjects to light up the background (White wall).

  2. Camera NIKON D90 – Lens 50.0 mm f/1.8
    f/6.3 – 1/20 sec – Manual
    1st off camera flash set up facing subject reflected in umbrella
    2nd off camera flash set to slave and set on tripod behind subject to highlight her hair

  3. Hi
    This is my image:
    Two lights into umbrelas right and left sides.
    Canon 5DMKII
    1/125th sec
    ISO 320
    Canon 24mm-105mm at 105mm

  4. i know its not january anymore, but no winners have been anounced so i thought it might be still ok for me to post 🙂 taken with a 50mm f/1.8 on a Canon 600D, and black and white filter and vignette added on Photoshop

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