Photoflex Launched a New Site Recently

I got an Email today from Photoflex that they launched a new site design. Why I’m sharing thi s info with you?

I must confes that back then (some 5-6-7 years ago) when you started to go online for some info about photography and flashes there weren’t to much info available , there was the Strobist who back then was really useful for strobists ,today its much more of a commercial magazine (I don’t blame David man has to make money and that’s fine with me I’d do so if I had the same opportunity ) and there was a site that I don’t remember its name something with 28 in the domain name and another site that had some lighting diagrams hand drawn on some yellow paper (I must see that site again so if you the site PLS post s comment bellow, I simply can’t find it).So back then there other site, really good and instructive site was Photoflex’s site. Besides of selling very popular lighting systems (modifiers and lights) they have a very good learning center. There are some lessons that comes for free, and most of the  lessons a for paid subscribers, so I must say that when I was young `-) and there was no YouTube and no other resources I did a year full access membership and enjoyed it a lot!!!

So first of all go and visit the new site if you don’t know it yet, and if you are into really good pro lessons from pro photographer, step by step stuff, that’s your place!

PLS enjoy!!!I’d be really happy if someone will remind me of the yellow site…

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