December’s B&W Monthly Challenge Winner IS!!!


Second challenge on DiyPhotographyStuff was even better than our first, on November’s challenge we had “only” 27 images posted, a number that was beyond my expectations for the first challenge ever, this time there were 35 images on the contest!!!

So TNX for sending your images and helping spread the word around!!!

Who won the challenge!? Here it goes:

December's challange winner

December’s Winner is:



canon 60d 18-135mm / iso100 / f8
daylight, edited with nik silver efex 2.

Second place:canon 450D + EF 50mm 1.8II
ISO 100 ; f2
sutter speed 1/400
Third Place:Terry ClairLeica M8 – 50mm f2 Summicron.Terry posted some great images, TNX Terry!
Worth Mention:Almost got this one, as we also have a small white dog `-)

Now its a new year, the new challenge will be posted this weekend, it is going to be about HighKey/LowKey images, so prepare your best stuff.


Next Challenge winner will be chosen in a bit different way, some kind of a poll. Instructions will be posted later this week.

So prepare your low/high key image for the competition!!!


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