Easy two lights product photography setup


Hey, I’ve been asked by a good friend of mine (Zehavit) to come and shoot some images of their fun science learning packages for children. There are many easy science experiments that the children learn while doing fun things. Those kits are a very useful thing and the childrens love it!!! The photographs I’ll take will be used for the package back to show some of the ingredients each kit includes.

For this product setup I used 2 Canon speedlight flashes, on the tripod a Canon 580EXII and on the other side (on the table) a Canon 430EX, both flashes triggered by another Canon flash (550EX).Flashes set to manual power, the main light – Canon 580EXII set to 1/4 of maximum power and the small 430EX used as a fill light on the right side bounced by the wall set to 1/16 of full power. Camera also set to manual mode Iso 500, f/10, 1/200th sec white balance – manual (taken with a gray card).

Here are some results that came out of that simple product photography setup, feel free to comment and share your product photography photographs!!!






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