Converting your images to 3D like movies

Hi Guys,

I’ve recently found about a french wedding photographer (Sebastian Laban) and was pretty impressed by the video on his home page, he gave “life” to his great wedding images (I wanted to do so too) here is the YouTube movie on his site:

I guess you’d like it a lot too… Sebastian uses PS and AE (After Effect) to generate those great images.

How he does it?

In general he separates image’s main objects into separates layers and animates them in After Effects. I guess separating the images into layers is a task most of you can do, but the After Effect phase might be tricky. Luckily Sebastian did a 12min video to show you the process, here it is:

If you liked it, PLEASE share this post and pay a visit to Sebastian’s site and YouTube channel.


2 thoughts on “Converting your images to 3D like movies

  1. just my opinion, but if you want images that appear to move, use a movie camera. Set up a track to move the camera, and watch the magic. Next you’ll be telling us how using your shoe is a great DIY hammer. Sure it works, but there are better tools for the application being used.

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