Top Rechargable bateries Battle – Who Will Be The Winner?


As we work a lot with off camera flashes, we really like to get as much power and battery juice as we can get, and actually there is never enough power. So I decided to put to a test the top 3 batteries set on the market, they are very popular rechargeable batteries brands and I’m pretty sure you guys will be interested in this battle!!!

The battery models that participate:

1. Sanyo New Versio n XX 2500mAh


The Sanyo XX are the new version of the very popular eneloop. This version is also powered by the Eneloop technology. Has declared 2500mAh (Min. 2400 mAh). Maintain 75% of power after 12 months.Those are  supposed to be the best on the market .Can be recharged 500 times without capacuty loss.

2. Sanyo eneloop

sanyo eneloop

The Sanyo eneloop they come pre-charged, can be used immediately out of the pack and maintain 75% of their charge for up to 3 years when not in use. Eneloop batteries deliver reliable battery extremely performance. Typical capacity is 2000mAh (Min. 1900mAh). There is a new normal Eneloop who can recharge 1500 times

3. GP Recyko


I must confess that this is my prefered battery model. When looking for better rechargeable batteries 3 years ago, those where the only available in Israel, so I got them and was amazed how much better they were compared to the “normal” GP batteries I had. Typical capacity 2100mAh (Min. 2050mAh), can recharge 1000 times.


How we took the test:

I call it the 40-10-10 battery test, what does that means? Each battery set fired a flash in manual mode a sequence of flashes, 40 times 1/4 full power then 10 times 1/2 full power, the test finished with another 10 pops now at full power.Those will be the rules for each test and in case I add more batteries sets to this post, those will be the ground rules.

Gear used : For this battery abuse, I used my YN460II flash (reviewed here).

Power : See the 40-10-10 battery abuse rules above (40*1/4 then 10*1/2 and then 10*1/1).

Score : The best score will for the set that made it in the shortest time.

Guidelines : I took about 15 minutes break between each set tested, to let the flash cool down .

Battery test results:

Battery name 40*1/4 time 10*1/2 time 10*1/1 time Total time
GP Recyko 52:08 sec 48:05 sec 69:04 sec 169:17 sec
Sanyo eneloop 24:07 sec 43:04 sec 75:14 sec 144:25 sec
Sanyo enloop XX 27:03 sec 41:19 sec 87:13 sec 156:00 sec

We got a winner!!!

Test results - GP Recyco | Sanyo eneloop | Sanyo Eneloop XX
Lower times are better!

Make a graph

I must say that I’m a but surprised, I had the impression that the Eneloop xx will do better and that the GP won’t do so bad, but what can I say, it seems that the “normal” Eneloop scored the best in our test.

In case you want to add a brand to this test, just let me know and I’ll do my best to get a set and abuse it `-)!!!

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