Debao SU-800 / ST-E2 Better than the YN/Canon/Nikon CLS controllers

Hi, Lately I found out about the YN622Tx rumor (or wish) (covered here) this trigger uses radio to communicate between the camera and the the units it controllers very similar to the YN622.

The other type of triggers or commanders uses CLS in Nikon and Infra Red to communicate with Canon flashes or third party units that supports this feature (I’m not familiar with Nikon methods, so I’ll talk more about the Canon stuff).

There are two popular controllers for Canon:

The old Canon ST-E

YN replica For the Canon ST

Why I don’t like those?

  1. Both units for Canon has a very poor control. Althogh they both do what they are supposed to , lacking a LCD screen is very 90’s…
  2. Canon’s unit has a very short tested range – about 15m and some issues in daylight and position.
  3. Canon uses a CR123A battery which isn’t handy and costs some bucks.
  4. The YN version is an improvement to the Canon version and has a better range, uses AA batteries and a swivel head.

But here comes a new player in that niche:

Debao ST-E2 for Canon and Debao SU-800 for Nikon:

The new Debao flash controller

Debao is a company from china that makes some photography products (you can visit their site but you must read chinice)

Main ST-e2/SU-800 features:

  • Big LCD screen
  • Price – only about 100$-115$ half of the Canon unit and a bit less than the YN version
  • Functions as a wireless commander for the Canon Speedlight units.
  • Supports the Canon E-TTL.
  • Controls an unlimited number of Speedlights for up to three groups.
  • Offers 4 independent channels for competitive shooting environments.
  • Provides wireless control up to 35m.
  • Built-in AF assists illuminator for critical focus in low-light situations.
  • Support E-TTL (ALL),E-TTL( A:B),E-TTL (A:B+C),M (ALL),M (A+ B),M (A+B+C),RPT(ALL)


How does the Debao is compared to the Canon?

  • Tested range – Canon’s maximum range is about 20m. Deboe’s tested range is more than 40m!!!
  • Use – The Debao has a big LCD screen. This is its biggest advantage, the screen is something amazing for its niche.
  • Power – The Debao uses AA batteries.
  • Swivel head – Debao can swivel rather than Canon’s fixed head.

Video review:

I found only one video review on the net as this is a very new product and has some very good alternatives (YN622 previewed here), however, the review here is very positive! Take a look!

If you have any experience with the Debao ST-E2 I’d be happy if you share it with us

If you like this review please share

4 thoughts on “Debao SU-800 / ST-E2 Better than the YN/Canon/Nikon CLS controllers

    1. Hi Dan,
      You are right, this looks a gread option for flash control.
      I;m about toget one for review in the next couple of weeks,
      of course I’ll post about it as soon as I can

    1. You are welcomed Mark.
      I find this one really really usable!
      definitely the best under 100$ controller for in house!

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